The Global Grassroots Gazette
Thank you for continuing with us on our journey!

Thanksgiving is a time to be Grateful
Every year on the last Thursday of November, citizens of the United States of America celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving represents the shared feast between Natives and the Pilgrims who settled in the modern state of Massachusetts. While the settlers' sense of gratefulness for the Natives' hospitality did not last, the true essence of the holiday reigns true to this day.
Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful. Well, we should always be grateful, but Thanksgiving is a wonderful reminder of this. Families, friends and acquaintances alike, gather around to celebrate the giving of 'thanks'. In addition to American Football, Feasts and Festivities, we share Gratefulness for all that life blessed us in the past year.
Read below to learn what that means to us.
The Grateful Global Grassroots Consulting
We at Global Grassroots Consulting consider ourselves to be grateful for many reasons:
🍂 We are grateful for the new beginnings that 2021 provided us.
🍂 We are grateful for the amazing individuals and companies who we have connected with in the past year, especially those who are working to better society at the grassroots level.
🍂 We are grateful for ALL of our clients (past and present), the opportunities they provide us and the experience that we gain through our relationships.
🍂 We are grateful for the amazing support network that we continue to build, who believe in our mission and push us forward in our work.
🍂 Most of all? We are grateful to be alive and working towards our dreams.
If you are reading this, you have likely helped us in some form or fashion, at some time or another. We are grateful for you.
We hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday and find time to be grateful.
Please take a minute to sit back and think about reasons for why you are grateful during this holiday season.
Some exciting things are going on over here in Charlotte, NC, in addition to being voted the 20th Best Place to Live in the US!
This will be Global Grassroots Consulting's third monthly newsletter!
~ For those who received the first two, we hope you find this one to be an improvement ~
A lot has happened since this time in October. Boy, have we been busy.
Jump right in to learn what's new!
Success! Our First Global Grassroots Webinar
On November 2nd, our CEO, Ian Shepardson, hosted our first webinar! Thank you to all those who joined and participated.
We are grateful for your support .
What is the Global Grassroots Webinar?
Global Grassroots Webinar is a webinar series that provides social entrepreneurs with the tools necessary to conduct outreach, establish business relationships and improve their digital branding strategy. These webinars are free of charge.
What was the topic of the first webinar?
Prospecting for Social Impact Organizations
Social impact organizations must conduct outreach in order to establish partnerships with key stakeholders.
If you were unable to attend, a recording of the webinar is posted on our website!
Check out this short video created by Ian Shepardson that discusses the value of patience in prospecting!
Social Impact Spotlight!

This month, our Social Impact Spotlight highlights the amazing company, KaizenRhino Solutions! Led by the wonderful, Wacinque Amistad Kaizen BeMende, KaizenRhino Solutions is a Social Impact company that promotes financial literacy and financial inclusion for all.
The first step to achieving financial independence is opening a basic savings account. From there, the options to maintain and improve upon readily available wealth are endless. Wacinque promotes financial literacy to individuals, companies and government entities to establish a standardized education on the topic.
Check out KaizenRhino Solutions' website and click the button below to learn more!
Our Newest Client!
Global Grassroots Consulting welcomes the buildingPULSE team to our group of Social Impact partners!

buildingPULSE is a sustainability organization that provides breweries with accurate data on energy consumption, as well as strategies and devices to reduce it. Savings on energy consumption spells cost savings for their clients as's a win win scenario!
Global Grassroots Consulting is providing Sales and Outreach services to buildingPULSE to support their efforts in acquiring their first two clients. Curious about our Sales services? Feel free to visit Our Services page!
For more information on our new client, click the link below to hear their story.
Introducing: Global Grassroots Social Network!
Ian has been working hard to network with as many social entrepreneurs as possible these past few months. During this time, he identified a lack of connectivity between Social Impact Founders. To Ian, it seems as though there are many people who are combatting today's societal issues, and are going about it alone. This is a problem!
There is power in numbers, and if we are working alone, we will not go far. To combat this issue, we at Global Grassroots Consulting are working to develop a network of Social Entrepreneurs. This network welcomes Founders, Leaders and Employees in the Social Impact space, as well as anyone who wants to use their skills for good. Our Social Network will provide social impact folk with a platform to ask social enterprise related questions, request help, network, establish key partnerships and more!
As the Global Grassroots Social Network is in the ideation phase, we will use the readily available resource that is LinkedIn, to start.
Interested in joining our Global Grassroots Social Network group on LinkedIn? Contact Ian using the button below, to be added to the group!
I appreciate you following along and I hope that you found value in reading this. Please feel free to reach out with any questions, comments, or feedback that you may have.
After all, a community is nothing without effective communication.
Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!